A pregnant woman is one of the most vulnerable human beings imaginable. In the later stages of pregnancy, even walking is difficult, let alone running. That's one of the reasons we ,as human beings pair off when we reproduce, and are supposed to stay together through pregnancy.
Now, I don't remember if I have shared my opinions about the type of male that hits women. I won't say the word "man" in connection with them. I personally think they forfeit the right to that appellation the minute they lay hands on a woman.That goes double for a expectant mother. Not only are you endangering her, but also her unborn child.
So it's a man's job to protect his woman and unborn child in this vulnerable time,right? Not if you ask Quyen Van Tran apparently.
Nope, this piece of shit thought it was OK to beat the hell out of his five months pregnant girlfriend in the middle of a Del Ray Oaks, CA supermarket. Enter my man Ryan Young, a meat counter employee. Ryan tried to talk Tran down, but the colossal fuckwad just kept whaling on his defenseless girlfriend. Ryan had to physically get between the and shove Tran off. The police came and hauled Captain Cockmunch off to jail. (note: Instead of being sent to prison to get the cornholing he deserved, Mr Tough Guy pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery and got probation... Guess he didn't want to go to prison with the REAL hard boys(but then again we already know guys who beat women are pussies at heart)
So what was Ryan Young's reward for standing up like a real man? Did he get a medal,or a ticker tape parade? Nope, boys and girls, he was SUSPENDED WITHOUT PAY!!!! Yep, you read that right. Safeway foods suspended him. A spokesman for the comapny says he wasn't suspended for helping the woman, but that it was being investigated because of acts caught on the security camera. Hey Safeway, what you caught on camera is called HEROISM. A witness was quoted by a local newspaper as saying
Ryan struck Tran. GOOD! Should have broken his little bitch arms.
The Associated press reports that the more the 100,000 signatures on the online petition, and the pressure from the union has convinced Safeway to (sort of) do the right thing and reinstate Ryan with back pay, after more than a month of suspension. Too little, too late if you ask me. The man deserves a written apology
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