For the uninformed amongst us, chav is a British word used to describe a certain subset of lower- class people. Some of the Yahoo! answers questions I saw asked if they were the same as rednecks,trailer trash or gangsters in the U.S. Well there is some crossover here, but rednecks and trailer trash are mostly rural types and redneck is almost exclusively southern. Oh, and real gangsters would laugh as they killed the little twats. Except for some minor regional differences, chavs are the same on both sides of the pond
Chav (UK)
British chavs
1:dress in an odd mixture of burberry, "tracksuits" and gaudy fake jewelry with white sneakers and their pants tucked in their socks(male) short, skintight shorts/skirts, tight spaghetti strap top with uggs or white reebok and more makeup than a circus clown.
2; hang out on street corners or in parking lots talking shit whenever they outnumber someone (while hoping that person won't call their bluff)
3: speak some incomprehensible form of English.
4:drive some crappy low-end car with a stereo system that cost more than the car itself, and the music loud enough to hear 3 blocks away
5: Get pregnant as a teen, go on Jeremy Kyle for a free DNA test
6: have at least one ASBO (anti-social behavior order....a court order for a minor offence similar to probation in the US)
7:drink a lot of cheep beer and smoke weed
8: refuse to work, spend entire life on welfare
Chav (US)
1 Dress in jean/knee length denim shorts several sizes too large, intentionally exposing several inches of boxer shorts ( a new trend I have been seeing is skinny jeans worn with the waistband below the ass...still haven't quite figured that one out),South pole, fubu or sean john shirt, (alternatively a white wifebeater or tshirt, or a hoodie) with a oversize down parka during winter (male) Females usually about the same as british
2: hang out in front of houses in crowds of 5-10 making gestures at cars passing by
3: speak some incomprehensible form of English.
4:drive some crappy low-end car with a stereo system that cost more than the car itself, and the music loud enough to hear 3 blocks away. Usually has an aftermarket 5 inch muffler
5: Get pregnant as a teen, go on Maury for a free DNA test
6: be on probation for DUI or assault
7:drink a lot of cheap beer and smoke "trees"
8: refuse to work, spend entire life on welfare
Chavs tend to try to emulate what they think is "Black culture",which is why we have always called them "wigger" here. However, it doesn't really work for me since by far most blacks don't talk,dress or act like that. In fact people who do irritate the piss out of them.
So, I think it's time we borrowed another excellent word from our English friends. It's time we call a chav a chav. After all, the sooner we identify them the sooner we can get rid of the vermin.
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