Monday, May 14, 2012

Panderer in chief

Question for the LBGT community:
how are you not outraged? Seriously, I don't get it.

 I have long considered myself a straight advocate. I agree with Dr. King's statement "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere", and I'm proud that my state's lawmakers have finally pulled their collective heads out of their asses and voted to legalize gay marriage in NY.

But you're not really buying this are you?

The timing of the POTUS' "evolution" on gay marriage is convenient isn't it? Consider Comrade Obama's position on same-sex marriage before he was elected:

Candidate Obama answered: "I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian -- for me -- for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union ..."
 Sounds a little bit like someone who is trying very hard not to scare away voters who may already be a little hinky about electing a minority, doesn't it?

Now he's telling ABC news that he has “always been adamant that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated equally.” In an election year..... Hmmmmmmm

Wait though.... He's also saying that it's his "personal opinion" and that it's a matter for the states to decide.
In other words, he'd love to be able to legalize it but the mean ol' redneck, racist, homophobe  conservatives just won't let him. Which,by the by, is a lie.  Unlike healthcare, there is a precedent for the Federal government to legislate discrimination in marriage. In the 1967 ruling in Loving v. Virginia,Chief Justice Earl Warren opined “The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." So why has he not done it? Why do we still have DOMA?

How do we know this is a cynical attempt to garner votes(and big campaign contributions from Hollywood celebretards who can't seem to shut the fuck up)? Consider how fast the merchandise appeared on his campaign website. A matter of a few hours before you you could buy your Out for Obama t shirts... suggesting that they were made up in advance. Again, Hmmmmmmm

Just sayin' if it was me being used for political gain, I'd be fucking PISSED

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